Happy 2013, Y'all!
by Adam & Lara on 01/06/13

Lara's sister Anne showing us the Texas peace sign, which in Texas means "2 chicken fried steaks, y'all."
We thought we'd start off the new year in the laziest way we could possibly image. No, we're not going to eat our way through a 20 lb ham while watching the Lethal Weapon series on VHS. Did that last week. We're gonna share our most favorite video chat screenshots from 2012. And by "most favorite" we pretty much mean all. So if you didn't make the cut, CALL US AND QUIT BEIN' A DOUCHE.

There's something about watching your parents interact with technology that never gets old.

It's hard to tell from the picture but Bonny is actually wearing that tiara in real life. She's retired now, and evidently that's what you do.

Adam has been working for Peak Design for the past year, and had to take way WAY too many conference calls with Pete while he was laying in bed in his unmentionables. Not sure what's going on here but Pete is loving it.

Startup culture is not all that different from the corporate world. You still have long rambling meetings where a few people talk and everybody else struggles to listen. But in startups we get to wear funny accessories and smoke flavored tobacco out of vaporizers. How Web 2.0 is THAT?!

Luke lives in London where monacles and bushy moustaches are commonplace, and pirate hats are quite silly, indeed.

When talking to the Annas, any lull in conversation is seen as an opportunity to pick up animals and shove them into the webcam.


Travis and Rod (congrats on the engagement!) got some really neat pillows that totally tied the room together. They think the pillows look like Adam's beard. Adam thinks his beard is of unmatched fluffiness.

When you're hanging out with Ivy, Pete and Jojo in the garage, there's always a chance that creepy uncle J-Bro will pop in.

He's special.

Brooke won, making it her 7th straight title since Tahoe, 2007.

Keeks doesn't like being typecast as a straight-laced news reporter. She's actually very laid back and fun-loving, and in her spare time likes to fish.

Dat's nasty.
Merry Chrimbus!
by Adam & Lara on 12/26/12
Merry Chrimbus from Australia!

Traditional Australian Christmas Decor

Happy Birthday Jim!
by Adam & Lara on 12/05/12
For those of you who don't know Jim Saraceno, let me give you a brief introduction:
Jim, the videographer.
by Adam & Lara on 12/03/12
Oh. My. God. Are you okay? You must have been sitting here for hours... days... weeks... 8 AND A HALF MONTHS?!
Okay, you're mad. We get it. We left you here, like a poodle in a station wagon, to fry in the summer heat while we were carelessly meandering about the new Westfield Plaza, stuffing Auntie Ann's pretzels in our faces like poodles in station wagons. But seriously, it's not like that.

We've been busy doing awesome shit.

Lara got short hair.

Adam sat in chair.

Lara butchered animals and looked rad.

Adam squeezed out 'roo salami and wore plaid.

Lara made friends with monkeys.

Adam and Shane danced like honkies.

Adam cheered for Yadi in Nepal.

Lara got a hand so she wouldn't fall.

Adam got crazy with a spooner.

Lara met her relatives on a schooner.
Bonny retired to a life of Zumba, cosmopolitans and attacking house guests with Tide Sticks. Mary Jo and Joe got engaged. So did Molly and Warren, and Becky and Aaron. So did Louie. Rivi and Alex got up the duff. So did Angie and David, and Rohit and Dimple, and Danielle and David, and Lindsay and Dan. Eric and Lydia got married. Luke and Kira got married and bought a house. J-Bro also bought a new house according to Facebook, but we're still waiting for confirmation. John and Karen picked it up and moved it all the way out to Sonoma. Kira got a new job. So did Anna. And all the while Anne's been hanging out with A-list celebrities.
So there you go. Blog is back. We're back. And we STILL GOT IT BABY.
For now at least.
THIS JUST IN: We're taking a vacation.
by Adam & Lara on 03/21/12Alas, living on Easey Street has taken it's toll. We're up to our marsupiums in naked bike rides, yoga classes, all-female recreational squash leagues and all those other stressful realities of everyday life. HOLIDAY TIME!
And now for the full frontal nudity you've been waiting for!
by Adam & Lara on 03/18/12If you're reading this blog you're probably friends with Adam and Lara on Facebook. This post is for you. But before we get to the MANY PHOTOS OF NAKED HUMANS we'd like to have some words with those of you who aren't friends on Facebook...
- If you're not our friend but you're on Facebook, then you probably got here by Googling our names, in which case we know you're after us and we've already cancelled our credit card and moved to Australia. Furthermore, we don't think we should be obliged to pay $9.99/month because your magazine insert clearly said "10 casette tapes for the price of 1 with nothing else to buy EVER."
- If you're our friend but you're not on Facebook all we can say to you is that your judgement day will come, John Stanley.
- If you're our friend but not familiar with Facebook, then hello Grandpa Ernie and Grandma Dot! You can get to The Facebook by creating a new Microsoft Works document, typing "www.facebook.com," pressing the spacebar until the text turns blue, and then moving your pointer arrow over it and clicking the mouse button.
Happy Presidents Day!
by Adam & Lara on 02/20/12
Julia Gillard and Barack Obama are a touchy pairing. Their hands, like disembodied life forms, seek out the other's shoulders and backs. When such targets are out of reach, digits settle on forearms or the nearest available body part.
'Stralyah Day
by Adam & Lara on 02/19/12Happy 'Stralyah Day everybody! We're pleased to be popping yet another fresh blog post out of the oven, a mere 5 weeks after our last blog post. Needless to say we're on fire right now. We're birthing so much nascent material from our brains that perhaps we should consider stuffing some Bayer Aspirin deep within the folds of our cerebellum (Lara and Adam share a singular).
- Mate (friend)
- Bogan (redneck)
- Root (hump; do the nasty; engage in baby-mekkin practice)
- Pissed (drunk)
- Budgie Smugglers (men's Speedo)
Oh Shit We're Awesome Again
by Adam & Lara on 01/09/12Since we left New Zealand we've been meandering around aimlessly trying to rekindle the blogworthyness of our previous lives. We used to climb volcanoes and jump off bridges and all sorts of other crazy shit. For Christ's sake, we ZORBed.
Mandatory Holiday Blog Post!
by Adam & Lara on 12/29/11